Tuesday, July 9, 2013


A few weeks back I went camping with my friends up Payson canyon.
It was a blast and the area was extremely beautiful. 
Hopefully there will be more camping and adventure pictures to come throughout the summer!
I am aware that most of the pictures are of Mac the pug, but I am obsessed with him. 
Just love the pug. Embrace the pug.
In the pictures are: Cassidy Johnson, Adam Johnson, Mac (Johnson) Miller (the pug), CeLin MacDonald, Alex MacDonald (the german shepherd), D.j. Boren, Adam Icenogle and Chris Howard.

It's been a while...

So it's been a while since I have posted but I really want to get back into blogging. 
I mostly stopped because I went through a rough patch and stopped taking pictures but since I have started photographing again, I thought "why not?"
Also I really just NEED to be creative again. 

This first post is about my dear friend Emily. 
She left on a mission back in April and I took some pictures of her in her cute mission outfit.
The location is in the orchard on Center st. by the State hospital.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


This winter has been fierce and it has been long and I am done. 
I love the winter and I love the cold.
After all, it is my dream to move to Canada!
But this year I just cannot wait for summer. 
The past couple of days have been amazing, as far as weather is concerned.
To celebrate, Hannah and I had a day of long boarding! 

We could not stop laughing.

Senior Portraits

This was taken right before I fell. My first
fall of the season! Woo hoo!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Everything I've missed for a while

So I stopped blogging and I missed a lot of important things. 
I won't go into great detail for every occasion but I will recap.

So first of all, my best friend Cassidy got married!
We met in sixth grade when I thought she was the prettiest person I'd ever seen and I and Shelby helped her find where her teacher was.
From that day on our friendship grew!
Here is a picture of us baking a cake.
I'm not saying we are the belles of the ball, but we were definitely lookers!

That was freshman year of high school.
Now, to my point of her getting married.
I am all opposed to young marriage and everything but her and Adam are definitely an exception!
I love them both so much and I am so happy for them!
I couldn't wish for better besties than these guys!
Here is us three at their wedding.
(I might have cropped it because I didn't like my bottom half)

Then, there was Thanksgiving! 
It was festive and lovely like always.

I thought these brussel sprouts were amazing still on their stalk!

Martha Stuar... excuse me, Hannah with the
Apparently we couldn't get a clear picture of me.

And of course Christmas

Decorating the tree

Yup, that's our family.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So, it has been quite a while since I have posted last.
I got caught up in very important matters (watching all 7 seasons of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix) and lost all of my time.
So this is my attempt at blogging again.
I will do a catch up post next but this one is just for fun.

So for Christmas I got Hannah a book of mini foods. 
I had to make a sugary substance for an event so I decided I would try a mini dessert.
I settle on these mini coconut cakes.
I think they turned out quite well!
I apologize in advance for the pictures, I took them with my iphone because I didn't have my camera with me.